Registration for CNSER Engineering Project Exhibition: Project Exhibition.
Atsushi Inoue, Ph.D.
(Director, Intelligent Informatics Initiative (I3)
Professor, Eastern Washington University, USA).
Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV),
13~14 May, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh!
5th ICIEV is Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society.
Presented papers in ICIEV as Oral/IPS will be sent to .
Mohammad S. Alam,
Fellow, IEEE, OSA, SPIE, IoP, IS&T & IET,
University of South Alabama, USA
Mohamed-Slim Alouini,
Fellow, IEEE
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KSA
Mahbub Hassan,
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer,
University of New South Wales, Australia
Craig S. Levin,
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Anton Nijholt,
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Nikhil R. Pal,
Vice-President (Publications),
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2013-2016)
Indian Statistical Institute, India
Sankar K. Pal,
Fellow, IEEE, IAPR, TWAS, IFSA, ...
Padma Shri in Science and Engineering 2013
Indian Statistical Institute, India
Muhammad H. Rashid,
Life Fellow, IEEE; Fellow, IET
University of West Florida, USA
Invited Speaker:
Nowshad Amin,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Head, Solar Photovoltaics Research Group, SERI
Visiting Prof., King Saud University, KSA
Shogo Arai,
Tohoku University, Japan
Takayuki Fujita,
University of Hyogo, Japan
Quazi K. Hassan,
University of Calgary, Canada
Afzal Hossain,
Nanova Corporation, USA
Korovin Iakov,
Southern Federal University, Russia
Atsushi Inoue,
Eastern Washington University, USA
Naotake Kamiura,
University of Hyogo, Japan
Hiroharu Kawanaka,
Mie University, Japan
Founder and Director, Medical Engineering Institute, Inc.
Farhana H. Zulkernine,
Coordinator and Advisor, Cognitive Science Program
School of Computing, Queen's University, Canada
Rahamatullah Khondoker,
Mobile Networks (MNE), Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT,
Syoji Kobashi,
University of Hyogo, Japan
Hafizur Rahaman,
Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, India
Mohammad A Rashid,
Massey University, New Zealand
V.R. Singh,
Fellow IEEE, F-IETE, F-IE-I, F-ASI/USI, F-IFDUMB, National Physical Laboratory, India
Taiga Yamaya,
Team Leader, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)
Visiting Professor, Chiba University, Japan
Review Result:
- Accept (Oral or Interactive Poster Session [IPS]):
These papers will be presented in the ICIEV conference, either oral session or IPS.
We can accommodate a few papers only for oral sessions as we have a good number of keynote/invited speaker.
Hence, most of the papers will be in Interactive Poster Sessions (IPS). Authors will have to present their posters in front of Session Chairs and get evaluated by them for Awards in various categories.
ALL accepted papers [Oral/IPS] will be sent to IEEE Xplore digital library. Authors will give e-Copyright to IEEE (this is shown in final submission system in CMT).
Best Paper Awards will be selected from all Oral/IPS papers.
- SCIEV (Student Conference on IEV): Papers accepted as 'SCIEV' does not need to give copyright to IEEE.
SCIEV papers will not be sent to IEEE.
Authors will present the paper during the conference, as Interactive Poster Session [IPS] (similar to the above case).
Authors can submit the SCIEV papers to any other conference - as no copyright is taken from you. SCIEV will be held along with ICIEV, in the same place, with same facilities under ICIEV.
Best SCIEV Awards will be given. Some papers will be selected from SCIEV papers for Intl Journal of Electronics & Informatics (IJEI).
- Rejected: You cannot present papers in ICIEV conference, but you can attend to learn from others. It is FREE to attend :)
Please submit to 6th ICIEV, 2017 in Japan.
- All Oral/IPS/SCIEV papers will be published in the proceedings [Printed form as Abstract & in CD as full paper].
- Promising papers can be submitted to SCIEV - so that authors can present in Interactive Poster Presentation during the conference, can have the great opportunity to listen from a good no. of Keynote and Invited Speakers, make networking and learn from others.
- Paper submission is similar to the ICIEV, covering 4~6 pages in IEEE format.
- Mention 'SCIEV' at the beginning of your TITLE.
- These papers will NOT be in in IEEE Xplore, but you have to present your paper in the conference. A panel of top experts will judge various best papers under different categories. They will also help the researchers to work better. The purpose is to allow young researchers to have exposure and learning.
- Certificates for all papers.
- Awards under various tracks will be mentioned for selected papers.
- Some papers from regular submission may be forwarded to SCIEV based on quality & originality.
- Journal Issue: Some papers will be selected for
Int. Journal of Electronics & Informatics (IJEI) (ISSN: 2186-0114).
The ICIEV provides vibrant opportunities for researchers, industry practitioners and students to share their research experiences, research results, ideas, review of various aspects and practical development experiences on Informatics, Electronics, Computer Vision and related fields. Through various presentations from peer-reviewed accepted papers, Special Talks and networking - the ICIEV provides the avenue to share knowledge, make networks, and develop a community for the new researchers - based on the experiences of experts. The ICIEV will open doors for challenging research areas for future.
The ICIEV welcomes you to be part of it - through offering Special Session, Tutorial, Workshop, Special Talk, Panel Discussion, and through submitting your research paper on and related arenas!
Major Topics of Interest (not restricted to):
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Medical Image Processing
- Medical Informatics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Remote Sensing & Geoscience
- Biomedical Systems, Applications in Medicine
- Robotics & Mechatronics
- Automation & Control Systems
- Biometrics
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Vehicular Electrotechnology
- Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Fuzzy systems
- Signal Processing
- Electronic Devices
- Photovoltaics
- Optoelectronics & Photonics
- Renewable Energy
- Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- Environmental Engineering and Green Technology
- Computer Networking
- Communication Systems
- Information Theory
- Mobile Computing
- Antennas and Wireless Propagation
- Electronics
- Electronic Systems
- Circuits and Systems
- Industry Application
- Sensors & Embedded Systems
- Nanotechnology
- Informatics & IT
- Computer & Information Systems
- Multimedia
- e-Governance
- Open Gov Data (including Big Data) Visualization
- Educational Technology, Engineering Education
- Technology's Impacts on Society
- Engineering in Biology & Health Science
- Technology Management
- Software Engineering
- High-Performance Low-Power Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Engineering for Unreached People
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
A special tour will be arranged for site-seeing. If you have any plan to travel for few more days in Bangladesh, let us know. We can help to plan.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
For any query, please write to us.
More on partners and keynote/invited speaker of previous ICIEV series are available in Sponsors