Authors MUST pay registration fee by 17 April, 2016 - as Early-bird Registration
Early-bird Reg. Fee (by 17 Apr.)
After 17 Apr. / On-spot Reg. Fee
International Author (non-student) / Participant
International STUDENT* Author / Participant
Local Author/Participant (non-student)
7000 BDT
8000 BDT
Local STUDENT* Author/Participant
5000 BDT
6000 BDT
SAARC Author (non-student) / Participant
SAARC STUDENT* Author / Participant
SCIEV (local)
3000 BDT
Extra Page Charge
Extra Banquet Ticket |
1000 BDT / USD15 |
Please Kindly Read the Instructions to Avoid Confusion & Must Pay & Must FILL this Online Form & Must Get the Confirmation from ICIEV [please wait and we will email you before the conference with updates. It will take time to get your confirmation.]:
- Each paper MUST have one registration (by the presenting author(s)).
Page limit is 6 pages. If you have over 6 pages (up to total 8 pages), then you have to pay US$50 per extra page [fee].
- Registration will include conference kit, conference proceedings, CD proceedings, souvenir, admission to all sessions, keynote/invited speeches, and 2 lunches, 2 breakfasts, banquet dinner, 4 refreshments during sessions.
- International registration will include all the costs for tour, lunch, dinner, tickets, etc. on 15 May, 2016.
- 1-day Tour will be held on 15 May, 2016 [only for overseas participants].
- Banquet tickets are limited and restricted. On-spot registration may not get Banquet ticket if the total no. is over.
- Extra Banquet Ticket: 1,000 BDT / USD15. You should confirm and buy it ahead as seats are limited.
- STUDENT* means a FULL-TIME student [at the time of registration] and he/she must show Student ID and an official document of your full-time studentship from your institute,
signed by the head/chair/dean of your dept./faculty. Please ATTACH the document as PDF with payment info to CMT during FINAL SUBMISSION.
- For any query on registration, please email us.
- Pay registration fee for each paper: Note that ONE registration is for ONE PAPER ONLY, and the presenting author will do the registration.
There is NO option for on-spot registration for a paper. You should pay it by the early-bird registration date.
Any number of co-authors can join the conference.
Please scan the payment slip or related document and convert it into PDF - then, attach to the CMT along with your final paper. Only PDF file is allowed.
You can upload 3 PDF files there:
- One for final paper.
- One for copyright.
- Another is payment document in PDF format [Name the file with your full name and paper ID].
For multi-authors registration case, paste all payment slips one after another and mention the paper ID, name of the registrants, etc.
before each image and make a single file in PDF and upload to the CMT.
- If author 'X' pays the registration fee, author 'X' should attend. If anything different, you must get proper approval after informing the Financial Chair [Prof. M. Morimoto: morimoto [AT] eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp] of the conference.
- For any problem regarding transferring, please contact to Prof. M. Morimoto: morimoto [AT] eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp
#For International Authors:
Please visit: Payment by Credit Card / Paypal.
#For Local Authors to Bank [you can transfer from any bank to this bank]:
Note that this account name is not ICIEV, but another. No problem. Just follow the information below and it is alright to pay here.
- Beneficiary Bank: Agrani Bank Limited
- Branch: Dhaka University branch
- Beneficiary Bank Address: University of Dhaka, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh
- Beneficiary Bank BIC (SWIFT Code): AGBKBDDH
- Name of Payee Account Holder: International Conference on Green Energy & Technology
- Savings Account No.: 0200002919003
Online Form to be filled - after the payment for registration is accomplished:
Online Registration Form. Please try NOT to email to the committee - as it takes time to cross-check bank info, this form, final paper, etc.
So, we will inform you promptly - only if any problem, else wait for few weeks by which we will confirm everything. Thanks a lot for your wonderful support.
See you in the conference! Please inform others to plan to attend both days and learn from experts.