List of Special Sessions:
SSDO: Digital Oilfield (DO)
SSMLMIA: Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis and Computer Vision (MLMIA)
SSDHPS: Distributed and High Performance Systems (DHPS)
SSMSCT: Mobile Sensor and Cloud Technologies (MSCT)
SSASG: Advancements in the Smart Grid (ASG)
SSRTCC: Recent Trends in Computer-based Classification (RTCC)
SSBHR: Recent Trends on Bangla Hand-writing Recognition (BHR)
Digital Oilfield workshop (or special session) is dedicated to the problem of oilfield industrial processes automation in order
to reduce the prime cost of the oil extraction. The scope is very vital in the current conditions of the 'era of the low crude oil prices'.
Special attention is to be paid to the Data mining methods application. Researchers and bussiness representatives are invited,
who are interested in the following topics:
- Oilfield operators' industrial decision support systems;
- Contemporary and perspective automation control systems;
- Enhancement of heavy oil production;
- Oil wells recovery methods;
- Artificial intelligence methods application in the tasks of oil industry;
- Pattern recognition and digital image processing in the local oilfield tasks' solution
Korovin Iakov
Southern Federal University, Russia
Gerald Schaefer
Loughborough University, UK
It becomes that much easier to gather image data by the rapid
development measurement devises, network systems, and IoT
technologies. One of the hot research areas should be computer vision
and medical image analysis. The paradigm is shifting how analyze and how
utilize the obtained big image data. Here, machine Learning plays the
most fundamental role. This session will invite paper submissions
related to various kind of machine learning techniques for computer
vision and applications including medical image analysis. And,
contribution to practical application and results are welcome.
Masakazu Morimoto and Syoji Kobashi
University of University, Japan
The main objective is to target on the state of art in the domain and sharing experience in search of collaboration opportunities.
Researchers and bussiness representatives are invited who are dealing with the next topics:
- Cloudy calculations and Grid (successful applications);
- Multiagent technologies in the development of automatic control systems;
- High-Performance Soft-Architectures for Digital Signal Processing
- Synthesis of High-Performance Computing Structures
- High perfomance computing systems application in the pattern recognition and image processing tasks.
Korovin Iakov
Southern Federal University, Russia
Mobile phones or smartphones are rapidly becoming the central computing and communicating device in our everyday life. Meanwhile, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure. Thus, the integration of mobile computing and sensing with cloud computing and IoT enables new applications that process big data collected from the physical world, and have an impact on almost every aspects of our daily life, including transportation, healthcare, safety, smart cities, social interaction, environmental monitoring etc. Along with the advancements in mobile sensing, challenges are also appearing in large numbers. Energy drainage caused by continuous sensing, security, privacy, resource management and provisioning etc. are emerging as major challenges in achieving full performance benefits from the Mobile Cloud Technologies. Thus collaborative, eco-friendly and energy-efficient solutions are of high demand in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC).
This special session will provide a great platform to allow researchers in academia and industry to exchange their latest research results and development activities in mobile cloud computing.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures and Protocols for cloud based mobile application and services
- Reliability, availability, scalability, QoS and performance issues in MCC
- Mobile cloud resource management, provisioning and migration techniques
- Pricing, SLA and Billing of MCC applications and services
- Energy aware and Context aware computation in mobile sensor and cloud technologies
- Crowd sourcing and crowd sensing in MCC
- Green Cloud Computing
- IoT in Mobile Cloud Computing
- Security and Privacy in MCC
Md. Abdur Razzaque
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
The objective of this special track is to bring together researchers working on integration of advanced
technologies in the Smart Grid (SG). The SG is a new concept where traditional power grid network is
equipped with intelligence from one or more advanced technologies, namely, renewable energy
systems, telecommunications systems, wireless sensor and actor networks, sustainable environmental
systems, artificial intelligence, computer networks, and qualitative and quantitative socioeconomic
development research. In the SG, both power flow and information flow are bidirectional, which can be
based upon the intelligence received from the support technologies. As a result, the SG can act not
only as a smart power grid but also towards developing an intelligent technology infrastructure
composed of advancements of several support technology systems.
This special track seeks high-quality original unpublished work in areas including but not limited to the
- Renewable energy integration in the SG
- Sustainable development issues in the SG
- Communication infrastructure and networks in the SG
- The SG applications of Internet of Things (IoT)
- Intelligence for the SG
- Business models in the SG
- Performance evaluation of the SG
- Simulation framework and tools development for the SG
- Emerging technologies development for the SG
- The prospects and challenges of the SG in developing countries
Mohammad Mahfuz
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Website: http://www.uwgb.edu/mahfuzm/
Md. Abdur Rahman
American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Website: http://engg.aiub.edu/faculties/dr-md-abdur-rahman
We are living in the era of automation, a major part of which is decision making such as classification and recognition of different objects and/or events. Such classification may range from simple sensor-based classifications to sophisticated classifications based on heterogeneous data sources. This special session focuses on the recent works on various classification techniques for different applications.
This special session welcomes submissions of original unpublished works on the following, but not limited to, topics on machine learning, classification and decision making:
- Machine learning for human related applications such as face, gender, expression and activity recognition.
- Decision fusion and feature fusion strategies for pattern classification.
- Event detection and decision making based on sensory data including Internet of Things (IoT).
- Other applications requiring automatic classification/recognition.
M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud
King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA
Bangla is the 5th most common language in the World, mainly from Bangladesh, India and others. This special session would like to explore the progresses on Bangla hand-writing recognition, analysis & applications (e.g., related to OCR/OHR, etc.). Researchers are welcome to submit related works.
Md. Atiqur Rahman Ahad
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nabeel Mohammed
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Bangladesh
For any query, please e-mail to: office [use@mark] iciev.org
We welcome you to organize Mini-Workshop / Organized Session / Tutorial Session in the ICIEV!
The aim of a W/OS/TS is to provide a complementary flavor to the regular sessions and should include hot topics of interest to the ICIEV areas/topics that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at the ICIEV.
Proposal Submission:
Prospective organizers of W/OS/TS should submit proposals with the info below:
- Title of the W/OS/TS:
- Objective of the W/OS/TS: Define & explain - how the W/OS/TS will be different/related from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
- Name of the W/OS/TS organizers and short profiles of them.
- Information on possible papers, presenters and apart from papers to be presented, mention whether you will invite any speaker for the W/OS/TS. [Minimum number of papers for an OS: 4 accepted papers at least]
- Mini-Workshop length: Half-day workshop may be allowed.
Email office [AT-MARK] iciev.org with your proposal.
W/OS/TS's evaluation criteria:
- Interest on the topic
- Evaluation on the organizers [& panel of experts reviewers for W/OS]
- Plan of the W/OS/TS
All papers presented in the W/OS will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Therefore, all papers must submit according to the instructions of the ICIEV.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
We are looking forward to have you in the conference!