For ICIEV2014/2013/2012: Accepted and presented papers were published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
ICIEV provides vibrant opportunities for researchers, industry practitioners and students to share their research experiences, research results, ideas, review of various aspects and practical development experiences on Informatics, Electronics, Computer Vision and related fields. Through various presentations from peer-reviewed accepted papers, Special Talks and networking - the ICIEV provides the avenue to share knowledge, make networks, and develop a community for the new researchers - based on the experiences of experts. The ICIEV will open doors for challenging research areas for future.
The ICIEV welcomes you to be part of it - through offering Special Session, Tutorial, Workshop, Special Talk, Panel Discussion, and through submitting your research paper on and related arenas!
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Plenty to explore here!
A special tour will be arranged for site-seeing.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
For any query, please write to us.