Committee (to to updated)
General Chair:
Toshio Fukuda, Fellow, IEEE; IEEE President 2020; Meijo University, Japan; Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Nagoya University, Japan
Matthew Turk, Fellow, IEEE; Fellow, IAPR; President, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA
Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad, SMIEEE, SMOPTICA; University of East London, UK
Program Chair:
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Björn W. Schuller, Fellow, IEEE; Imperial College London, UK; University of Augsburg, Germany;
MAS Kamal, SMIEEE, Gunma University, Japan
Publication Chair:
Belayat Hossain, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA
Tahera Hossain, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Local Organizing Member:
Abdulrazaq Abba, University of East London, UK
Saeed Sharif, University of East London, UK
Seyed Ali Ghorashi, University of East London, UK
Shaheen Khatoon, University of East London, UK
Shahera Hossain, UAP, BD
Sujit Biswas, University of East London, UK
Special Session Chair:
Shahera Hossain, UAP, BD
Publicity Chair:
Atsushi Inoue, Kyutech, JP
Chinthaka Premachand, Shibaura Institute of Technology, JP
Emi Yuda, Tohoku University, JP
I Mitsugami, Hiroshima City University, JP
Seiichi Serikawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JP
Financial Chair:
Masakazu Morimoto, University of Hyogo, Japan
Financial Co-chair:
Tahera Hossain, Aoyama Gakuin University, JP
Technical Secretary:
Mohin Mahtab, National Instruments, Japan
Md. Ahsan Habib, MBSTU, BD
Tahera Hossain, Aoyama Gakuin University, JP