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IEEE Xplore® digital library!
ISSN: 2226-2105
(Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision)
Call for Workshop (W) / Special Session (SS) / Tutorial Session (TS) Proposals
We welcome you to organize Workshop / Special Session in the ICIEV!
ICIEV technical program will include parallel Workshop (W) / Special Sessions (SS) / Tutorial Session (TS)!
The aim of a W/SS/TS is to provide a complementary flavor to the regular sessions and should include hot topics of interest to the ICIEV areas/topics that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at the ICIEV.
Proposal Submission:
Prospective organizers of W/SS should submit proposals for W/SS/TS with the info below:
- Title of the W/SS/TS:
- Objective of the W/SS/TS: Define & explain - how the W/SS/TS will be different/related from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
- Name of the W/SS/TS organizers and short profiles of them.
- Information on possible papers, presenters and apart from papers to be presented, mention whether you will invite any speaker for the W/SS/TS. [Minimum number of papers for an SS: 4 accepted papers at least]
- Workshop length: Half-day workshop will be allowed in the ICIEV.
Email to Conference Secretary
W/SS/TS's evaluation criteria:
- Interest on the topic
- Evaluation on the organizers
- Plan of the W/SS/TS
All papers presented in the W/SS will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Therefore, all papers must submit according to the instructions of the ICIEV.
Please never miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
We are looking forward to have you in the conference!
Best regards,
Secretary, ICIEV 2012