Step 1. Check IEEE ICIEV 2012 PDF file compliance (details below).
Step 2. Submit the final paper - after confirming the IEEE PDF check (else, the paper will not be included in the IEEE eXplorer) to Microsoft CMT - as before during the 1st submission.
Step 3. Submit Copyright (details below).
Step 4. Pay registration fee for each paper [details in the Registration Link] and fill the form in that page.
Step 5. Plan to attend the conference! Looking forward to see you in ICIEV 2012. For accommodation, travel information - visit 'Travel Information'.
Step 1. Checking IEEE ICIEV 2012 PDF file compliance (MUST do this step):
IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).
- 1. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress
site at http://www.pdf-express.org
First-time users:
a. Click "New Users - Click Here".
b. Enter ICIEV12x for the Conference ID, your email address, and choose a new
password. Continue to enter information as prompted.
c. Check that the contact information is still valid, and click "Submit".
Previous users, but using it the first time for a new conference:
a. Enter ICIEV12x for the Conference ID, your email address, and enter the password you used for your old account.
b. When you click "Login", you'll receive an error saying you need to set up an account. Simply click "Continue". By entering your previously used email address and password combination,
you will enable your old account for access to this new conference.
c. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.
d. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful account setup.
Returning users:
a. Enter ICIEV12x for the Conference ID, email address and password.
- 2. For each conference paper, click "Create New Title".
- 3. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)
- 4. Click "Submit PDF for Checking" or "Submit Source Files for Conversion"
- 5. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click "Upload File". You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload
- 6. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
Options (choose one)
If the PDF submitted fails the PDF
check: |
If you are not satisfied with the IEEE
PDF eXpress-converted PDF: |
If the PDF submitted passed the PDF
Check, or you are satisfied with your
IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF: |
Option 1 |
Submit your source file for
conversion by clicking Try again,
then Submit Source Files for
Conversion |
Resubmit your source file with
corrections (Try again, then Submit
Source Files for Conversion) |
Submit your IEEE Xplorecompatible
PDF [per the conference's
instructions]. |
Option 2 |
Read the PDF Check report, then
click "The PDF Check Report" in the
sidebar to get information on
possible solutions |
Submit a PDF by clicking Try again, then Submit
PDF for Checking) |
Option 3 |
"Request Technical Help" through
your account |
"Request a Manual Conversion"
through your account |
Step 2. Submit the final paper - after confirming the IEEE PDF check (else, the paper will not be included in the IEEE eXplorer) to Microsoft CMT - as before during the 1st submission:
Visit https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICIEV2012/Protected/Author/ and submit the Final Paper.
Step 3. IEEE Copyright Requirement:
The title/authors in the copyright form must match exactly.
Submission website - CMT has built-in support for submitting IEEE copyright form. Authors will be redirected to IEEE eCF site to submit copyright form.
Click on the Submit IEEE Copyright form link (which initiates eCF). Please read instructions carefully. Submit for each paper - separately. It can be done once for each paper and the copyright-holder/Supervisor/Responsible author/co-author should do it and you must inform ALL co-authors [if any] about this copyright form. After filling out the IEEE copyright form on eCF site, Authors need to download the form and upload it into CMT.
Step 4. Pay registrion fee:
Pay registration fee for each paper: Visit for registration details.
Step 5. See you!
Visit for travel info, accommodation info, etc..
Papers will be archived in the
IEEE Xplore® digital library!
ISSN: 2226-2105
(Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision)
Attention: Authors having dual-submission / plagiarism: CLICK!
Some frequently asked questions regarding Submission:
- Paper submission through Microsoft Research's CMT.
- Paper Template: A paper MUST follow the IEEE Paper Template: MSWord / LaTeX (Unix (TAR.GZ)) / LaTeX (Windows (ZIP)).
- Page limit: Manuscript can be within 4~6 pages. However, maximum 2 additional pages will be allowed at an extra charge (US$100 per extra page).
- File size: Files larger than 2 Mb are not prefered. For any uploading problem, please contact us.
- Visit MicrosoftResearch's CMT for paper submission and log-in.
- If you are a new user, then 'Sign Up' - by clicking
'Sign up' button in that site. Follow steps by clicking 'Next' from bottom-right...
- Follow the steps and 'Finish' the sign up!
- Then 'Log-in' for paper submission. Click 'Create a new paper submisison' to submit your paper.
- Follow and fill appropriately and finally 'Browse'. Use only *.PDF/*.DOC format (not *.docx or other formats) your paper to 'Upload' and submit!
- Follow the same procedure to submit more paper with the same user ID.
Paper status will be confirmed after your paper will be reviewed.
We are cordially waiting for your participation!!
Best regards,
Secretary, ICIEV 2012
Inform others! Be part of it!