Final Program: with paper IDs: Final Program (Oral/IPS).
Parallel Oral-Sessions (OS) or Interactive-Poster-Sessions (IPS) are offered in ICEV:
- Details on Oral Session: 8min presentation time + 4 min question-answer time.
- Details on Interactive-Poster-Sessions are here@IPS. A sample poster is provided:
Sample Poster.
- If one wants to switch from Oral session to Interactive-Poster-Sessions, please inform us ahead, so that we can arrange if possible.
Keynote Speaker:
Invited Speaker:
Ashir Ahmed, Kyushu University, Japan
Title of Speech: Towards Connecting the Dots
Koichi Harada, Hiroshima University, Japan
Title of Speech: Information Theory and Its Application to Machine Learning
Norizaku Ikoma, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Title of Speech: Theoretical Basis of Particle Filters and Applications to Engineering Field
Sozo Inoue, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Title of Speech: Mobile Activity Recognition and Healthcare Application
Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Title of Speech: Microstrip Patch Antenna Broadbanding Technique using Small Ground Plane
Chilwoo Lee, Chonnam National University, South Korea
Title of Speech: Visual Recognition for Interactive System
V.R. Singh, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
Title of Speech: Recent Nano-Bio Sensors in Health Care Systems
Mahbubur Rahman Syed, Minnesota State University, USA
Title of Speech: Cloud computing: Technology, Security and Trust
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