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Review Policy
Paper Submission
International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing (ISSN: 2186-1390)  

Please contact to the Editor-in-Chief regarding Special Issue (SI).
Note that, the review policy for SI will be the similar to any regular submission.

You should prepare a proposal where you will:
  • Specify the motivations for an SI and a tentative Title of the SI
  • List the main topics on which submissions to the SI should focus
  • Enlist the names and contacts of some of the potential contributors to the SI
  • How many submissions you plan to receive?
  • And how many papers you plan to accept?
  • And what about the expected geographical distribution of the contributors to the SI?
  • Mention the names and emails of the Guest Editors for the SI
More will be informed once you submit a proposal for SI
  • Either on a thematic issue,
  • Or on an International Conference's selected best papers.

For details, mail to:
atiqahad [use@] du DOT ac DOT bd

Publish your works with the IJCVSP!

Best regards,

Editor-in-Chief, IJCVSP