Regarding FINAL Submission:
- We will update you after the conference regarding the final submission for book chapters at Taylor and Francis Gr. Hence, please finish the registration, and prepare for the presentation.
- Instructions for presentation will be updated shortly once the final program will be finished. Looking forward to see you all (onsite/online).
Regarding Submission:
- Paper submission through Paper Submission Link.
- Authors can submit directly to International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing (IJCVSP), and if a paper is accepted by 30 May,
then authors can present the paper in the conference, while publishing it in this journal. And the presented paper will not be in IEEE.
However, the Abstract will be published in the printed proceedings.
IJCVSP is FREE to publish & access.
(The concept is similar to the IMWUT journal by ACM - for the ACM UbiComp conference.)
- Select track: ICIEV.
- Paper Template: A paper MUST follow the IEEE Paper Template: MSWord / LaTeX (Unix (TAR.GZ)) / LaTeX (Windows (ZIP)).
- Page limit: Regular Manuscript should be within 6~8 pages. However, maximum 2 additional pages will be allowed at an extra charge (visit registration page).
Paper having less than 6 pages will not be considered.
- File size: Files larger than 5 Mb are not preferred. For any uploading problem, please contact us.
- If a paper is not according to the template, or, within page length, then it will not be reviewed and will be rejected.
- Submission is double-blind: so authors MUST NOT add any authors or affiliations or acknowledgement in the manuscript.
You can only add in the final camera-ready submission.
- You MUST ensure that ALL authors are properly included in the CMT with appropriate email addresses during 1st submission.
You can NOT change any author - once you submit. All certificates, proceedings, etc. will be based on the input in the CMT [not on your PDF file].
Therefore, you must make sure that you submit properly.
- Students MUST ensure that you have proper authority or permission to submit your paper.
We received few cases, where supervisors were discarded as authors, in some papers!
So, make sure that you do these properly.
- You must NOT cut&paste images or equations or tables from your another paper/thesis or other sources.
If you need to do for some cases, you MUST cite the references properly and must ensure that these are in good quality/resolution.
- Visit
MicrosoftResearch's CMT for paper submission and log-in.
- If you are a new user, then 'Sign Up' - by clicking
'Sign up' button in that site.
Follow steps by clicking 'Next' from bottom-right...
- Follow the steps and 'Finish' the sign up!
- Then 'Log-in' for paper submission. Click 'Create a new paper submisison' to submit your paper.
- Follow and fill appropriately and finally 'Browse'. Use only *.PDF format your paper to 'Upload' and submit!
- Follow the same procedure to submit more paper with the same user ID.
Paper status will be confirmed after your paper will be reviewed by 3 blind-reviewers [usually, at least 2 reviewers].
Revision Submission and Author Feedback / Rebuttal:
Visit paper submission link that you used
Paper Submission Link and follow the instructions Make sure that you RENAME the submission PDF file as mentioned there.
Revised papers will be evaluated based on the Author Feedback and then, the final decision will be informed.
Then we will open the Camera-ready FINAL Submission option.
Both online / in-person presentation options will be available due to the pandemic.
We are cordially waiting for your participation!!