Click: Call for
Mini-Workshop (W) / Organized Session (OS) / Tutorial Session (TS) Proposals.
Workshop 1:
Workshop on Information Technologies for Kestenberg Movement Profile Analysis: An Early Stage Developmental Disorder Detection Case
Chair: Yukari Sakiyama, Mukogawa Women's University, Japan
E-mail: sakiyama [AT mark] mukogawa-u.ac.jp
Co-chair: Haruhiko Takase, Mie University, Japan
E-mail: takase [AT mark] elec.mie-u.ac.jp
Co-chair: Hiroharu Kawanaka, Mie University, Japan
E-mail: kawanaka [AT mark] elec.mie-u.ac.jp
About: This workshop is organized to study matters of Kestenberg Movement Profile Analysis (aims, methods, societies, etc.) and its IT support. The relevant specialists, especially related to the dance/movement therapy and the computer & electrical engineering should participate. This should consist of some hands-on tutorial and panel discussion. This workshop is primarily organized as a part of the research project funded by JSPS: "an early stage (baby & toddler) developmental disorder detection using KMP Analysis and its IT support".
To ATTEND this workshop, please contact to the organizers above.
First come, First served!
Tutorial 1: Data Visualization Happy Hour: An "Open House" Tutorial Workshop
Elizabeth Tipton, DSCI Professor, Eastern Washington University, USA
Tutorial 2: Computational Modeling of the Dividing Human Cell
M. Julius Hossain, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany
Tutorial 3: Visual Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning
Boris Kovalerchuk,
Dept. of Computer Science, Central Washington University, USA
Tutorial 4: QoS and QoE analysis for IoT Multimedia Applications in Software Defined Network
Rahamatullah Khondoker, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Nazrul Islam, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Md. Ahsan Habib, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Md. Habibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
How to submit in SS?
Click for Special Session - then, click + Create new submission,
then select "IVPR: Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition" track,
then select your Special Session from "SUBJECT AREAS".
Proposed Special Sessions:
SS1: Ionic Polymer Metal Composite - its Application in Engineering
SS2: Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition
SS3: Signal and Image Processing for UAVs, Drones, Self-driving Cars, and Robotics
SS4: Acceleration for Deep Learning Models
SS5: Machine Learning in Medical Image Processing and Healthcare Application
SS6: Information Processing Techniques and the Applications
SS7: Bioimage Informatics in Life Science
SS8: Sensing, Computing and Actuating for Smart Urban Environments
Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) has applications towards biosignal capturing, robotic sensor application, micro-gripping application, shape estimation using image processing,
mechanical and chemical property analysis of IPMC, application in space research, etc.
Srijan Bhattacharya, RCC IIT, India
Email: srijaneie [ATmark] gmail.com
Pattern recognition involves the automated identification and recognition of pattern and the detection of pattern irregularities. Deep learning is the current state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm that attempt to learn in multiple layers corresponding to different levels of abstraction to solve pattern recognition problems. The advantages of deep learning models are the capabilities to process large amount of data with very high accuracy.
Norliza Mohd Noor, SMIEEE, UTM, Malaysia
Email: norliza [ATmark] utm.my
This special session will showcase recent advances on signal and image processing for UAVs, Drones, IoT, Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics. A special journal issue will be launched after the conference.
Chowdhury Shahriar, Northrop Grumman Corporations, USA
Email: cshahria [ATmark] vt.edu
Implementation of deep learning models are computationally expensive and memory extensive. Deployment in low memory devices with slower GPU, and for applications that required strict latency is the current challenge.
Norliza Mohd Noor, SMIEEE, UTM, Malaysia
Email: norliza [ATmark] utm.my
The emergence of visual data, machine learning algorithms, and advancement in clinical diagnosis has enabled significant breakthrough in vision and healthcare applications. This special issue focuses on medical data, machine learning methods, and applications in image processing, computer vision and related healthcare problems. we strongly encourage authors to submit their original contributions describing their conceptual, algorithmic, methodological, and applications.
Specific topics of interest cover various facets of medical and health care system research, including but not limited to the following:
Medical System, Heath Care System, Human Assist System, Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities, Medical and Health Data Processing, Surgery Support System, Medical Robotics, Medical and Health Data Mining, Medical and Health Big Data Analysis, Health Care System, Health Support System, Telemedicine/Telecare, Nursing system/Telenursing, Wellness support system, Cyberspace application on Medicine, Cyberspace application on Health Care, Cyberspace application on Human Assist, AI in Medicine, AI in Health Care, AI in Human Assist.
Saadia Binte Alam, University of Hyogo, Japan
Email: saadiabinte [ATmark] ieee.org
In this era of information technology, we witness diverse applications of the same in different walks of life ranging from personal assistances to appliances for sophisticated healthcare. Several techniques have been applied including simple similarity-based or probabilistic decision making as well as recent deep learning-based methods. Researchers all over the world are continuously trying to improve the performances of such applications in terms of user experience, scalability issues, accuracy, etc. This special session welcomes submissions on recent advancements in such applications and/or algorithms.
M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Email: mwadud [ATmark] ksu.edu.sa
This session will mainly focus on recent development of computational techniques to analyze biological images and model biological systems. We also welcome papers related to computational analysis of medical image data.
M. Julius Hossain, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany
Email: julius.hossain [ATmark] embl.de
M. Ali Akber Dewan, Athabasca University, Canada
Email: adewan [ATmark] athabascau.ca
Sensors and actuators are leaving lab environments and enter domestic, office, shopping, public, recreational and urban environments. These environments track human behavior, adapt to human behavior or persuade or enforce humans to adapt their behavior to the environment. In urban environments sensors and actuators can be designed in order to make such environments more efficient and manageable. Smart cities aim at using digital smartness to improve waste management, reduce energy consumption, increase safety, control traffic and improve public transport et cetera. Digital smartness obtained by sensors and actuators can also help to make a city more attractive by introducing entertaining applications and allowing game-like applications of such technology in the urban environment.
In this special session we ask for papers that address these issues. Papers can discuss scientific, engineering and societal issues related to applications made possible by introducing sensors, actuators and computer processing in urban environments.
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Email: a.nijholt [ATmark] utwente.nl
For any query, please e-mail to: office [use@mark] iciev.org
We welcome you to organize Mini-Workshop / Organized Session / Tutorial Session in the ICIEV!
The aim of a W/OS/TS is to provide a complementary flavor to the regular sessions and should include hot topics of interest to the ICIEV areas/topics that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at the ICIEV.
Proposal Submission:
Prospective organizers of W/OS/TS should submit proposals with the info below:
- Title of the W/OS/TS:
- Objective of the W/OS/TS: Define & explain - how the W/OS/TS will be different/related from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
- Name of the W/OS/TS organizers and short profiles of them.
- Information on possible papers, presenters and apart from papers to be presented, mention whether you will invite any speaker for the W/OS/TS. [Minimum number of papers for an OS: 4 accepted papers at least]
- Mini-Workshop length: Half-day workshop may be allowed.
Email office [AT-MARK] iciev.org with your proposal.
W/OS/TS's evaluation criteria:
- Interest on the topic
- Evaluation on the organizers [& panel of experts reviewers for W/OS]
- Plan of the W/OS/TS
All papers presented in the W/OS will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Therefore, all papers must submit according to the instructions of the ICIEV.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
We are looking forward to have you in the conference!