Major Topics of Interest (not restricted to):
Track: IVPR: Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Medical Image Processing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Remote Sensing & Geoscience
- Biomedical Systems, Applications in Medicine
- Robotics & Mechatronics
- Automation & Control Systems
- Biometrics
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Vehicular Electrotechnology
- Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Fuzzy systems
- Signal Processing
Track: ICIEV: Electronics & Informatics
- Electronic Devices
- Photovoltaics
- Optoelectronics & Photonics
- Renewable Energy
- Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- Environmental Engineering and Green Technology
- Antennas and Wireless Propagation
- Electronics
- Electronic Systems
- Circuits and Systems
- Industry Application
- Ubiquitous Systems, Sensors & Embedded Systems
- Nanotechnology
- Computer Networking
- Communication Systems
- Information Theory
- Mobile Computing
- Informatics & IT
- Computer & Information Systems
- Multimedia
- e-Governance
- Open Gov Data (including Big Data) Visualization
- Educational Technology, Engineering Education
- Technology's Impacts on Society
- Technology Management
- Software Engineering
- High-Performance Low-Power Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Engineering for Unreached People
- Engineering in Biology & Health Science
- Healthcare Technology
- Medical Health
- Medical Informatics
Call For Paper (as image):