Surface 2D structures are important for nanotechnology. Growth of the surface 2D structures, determination of their atomic arrangement and study of their electronic properties are inevitable subjects. The topics will include graphene, silicene, germanene, thin silicate, thin metal oxides, thin metal alloys, and other 2D surface structures.
Seigi Mizuno, Kyushu University, Japan
E-mail: mizuno.seigi@kyudai.jp
We aim to share practices and ideas for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data applied to crisis informatics for understanding and predicting crisis events. Crisis data can be collected from heterogeneous sources such as social media, smartphone sensors, and the Web, typically in a massive scale. Various data mining techniques are applied to identify trends, patterns, abnormalities, etc. Such analyzed data are then visualized to quickly make sense of the situation. We also discuss this process of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data applied to learning analytics as another application domain.
Seungwon Yang, Dept. of Applied Information Technology, George Mason University, USA
E-mail: syang20@gmu.edu
Haeyong Chung, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Tech., USA
E-mail: chungh@vt.edu
Young Woo Kwon, Dept. of Computer Science, Utah State University, USA
E-mail: young.kwon@usu.edu
Objective of this session is to invite researchers to present their research work in sensors with main emphasis on future technologies.
V.R.Singh, IEEE Fellow, India
E-mail: vrsingh@ieee.org
Kanika Singh, South Korea
E-mail: kanikasingh@gmail.com
The main objective of the session is to focus on the technology accumulation, information and propagation about the latest advancements in the fields of biomedical imaging, diagnostics as well as bioinformatics. Authors are gratefully encouraged to deliver their new developments to the concerned delegates and the participants of the session for the overall satisfaction of the conference.
Md. T. I. Khan, Saga University, JAPAN
E-mail: khan@me.saga-u.ac.jp
This special session focuses on medical image
processing/analysis and applications. This field will be one of
important application research fields of computer vision. We aim to
prepare a table to discuss the state-of-the-art of methodology, recent
advances in application, and also remained issues.
Call for Paper of this Special Session: Download & Share
Syoji Kobashi, University of Hyogo, JAPAN
E-mail: kobashi@eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp
Hiroharu Kawanaka, Mie University, JAPAN
E-mail: kawanaka@elec.mie-u.ac.jp
Naomi Yagi, Kyoto University, JAPAN
E-mail: naomi.y@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp
In this session, we discuss method, systems, and applications of
vision and sensors, including robot vision, human activity
recognition, real-world applications such as healthcare and
interactive services
Sozo Inoue, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Kenichi Asami, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Hiroshi Kimura, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- Yasushi Yagi, Osaka University, Japan
Title of the Talk: Behavior Understanding based on Intention-Gait Model
- Ikuhisa Mitsugami, Osaka University, Japan
Title of the Talk: 3-D Gait Measurement and Analysis
- Satoshi Shioiri, Tohoku University, Japan
Title of the Talk: Eye-head coordination for visual perception and attention
- Kazuhiko Sumi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Title of the Talk: Time-series Range Data Analysis for Pedestrian Group Segmentation
- Hirotake Yamazoe, Osaka University, Japan
Title of the Talk: Analysis of Gait Changes Caused by Gaze Direction Changes
Ikuhisa Mitsugami, Osaka University, JAPAN
E-mail: mitsugami@am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
Hitoshi Habe, Kinki University, Japan
E-mail: habe@kindai.ac.jp
Works related to healthcare for unreached or aging society are cordially welcomed to submit. For any query, please contact the following organizer of this special session.
Ashir Ahmed, Kyushu University, JAPAN
E-mail: ashir@soc.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Use of heterogeneous sensors has been rapidly increasing in the transportation sector in recent years. It enables gathering different useful information about vehicles, roads and their surrounds, using which drivers can be assisted towards maintaining safe driving manners. Again, vast penetration of sensor clouds has opened a new era of sharing such information with the highway police, transportation department and other related sectors that can use the information in effectively guiding and supervising vehicles, and planning and monitoring the transportation system. Moreover, different necessary tools and application services can also make use of this to serve better in processing, computing and sharing necessary information to make transportation more clean, efficient and safe.
Md. Abdur Razzaque, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: razzaque@cse.univdhaka.edu
M. Abdullah Al Wadud, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
E-mail: awsujon@yahoo.com
On the rapid growth of computers and their environmental techniques, human-computer interface now becomes very important for improving facility and dependability of computer related systems. Intelligent information processing techniques, for example, enable us to develop computer-aided systems for helping people with disabilities. Furthermore, under the development of high-performance medical devices such as fMRIs, intelligent information processing are needed more and more in the medical fields. In this organized session, we will discuss state-of-the-art technologies related to intelligent processing in medical and welfare devices.
Noboru Takagi, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
E-mail: takagi@pu-toyama.ac.jp
Koki Nagamune, University of Fukui, Japan
E-mail: nagamune@u-fukui.ac.jp
The main objective of this special session is to focus on applications of "soft information processing" such as fuzzy theory, neuro science, SOM, chaos theories and other techniques to the biomedical fields. The applications include a broad range of medical treatment, life science, human science or feeling, etc. Session organizers strongly encourage for participants to deliver their new developments and to obtain a satisfaction of taking part in the ICIEV15 conference in Kitakyushu.
Masahiro Nakano, Junshin Gakuen University, Japan
E-mail: nakano@med.uoeh-u.ac.jp
Human Reliability Analysis, HRA, is utilized in Probabilistic Risk Assessment, PRA. There are two general classes in HRA. One is based on PRA and the other is based on a cognitive theory of control. The Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction, THERP is a major example based on PRA and the Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method, CREAM is also a major example based on a cognitive theory of control.
In this special session, applications of THERP and CREAM for marine accidents etc. will be presented.
Nobuo Mitomo, Nihon University, Japan
E-mail: mitomo.nobuo@nihon-u.ac.jp
The session focuses on computational intelligence for application in field of rehabilitation and healthcare. The world's population is growing and aging. Especially, Japan is a country in which society is rapidly aging. Healthy life for the elderly is very important to maintain the physical strength and healthy mind. It is really ideal that caregivers can play the roles in mental and physical care, but their number is not enough in the current situation. Therefore, the integration of information technology, network technology, robot and mechatronics technology, and intelligence technology can be one of the solutions to support them. In this session, we will discuss the state-of-the-art of methodology for healthcare and rehabilitation.
Find the Call for Paper of this session: Click Here.
Takenori Obo, University of Malaya, Malaysia
E-mail: takebo@um.edu.my
Takahiro Takeda, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
E-mail: takeda@tmu.ac.jp
Naoyuki Kubota, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
E-mail: kubota@tmu.ac.jp
Use of RGB-D sensors has been rapidly increasing in the visual understanding regions in recent years. Traditional segmentation and tracking algorithm are not always reliable when the environment is cluttered or the illumination changes suddenly. However, the effective
combination of depth and RGB data is potentially capable of improving the accuracy of object identification and tracking by relaxing the
negative effects of environmental changes.
Masakazu Morimoto, University of Hyogo, JAPAN
E-mail: morimoto@eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp
Dr. Tomek, Japan
The population of the world is rapidly increasing, and the rate of elderly population is also increasing. Especially in Japan, the rate is very high. That causes various problems, such as medicine cost, psychological care, nursing, crime prevention, and etc. For the improvement of them, various appliances are developed. However, they are mainly made for heavily handicapped people. There are many elderly people with healthy condition. For them, by a little support, they can do everything by themselves. Thus, it is also important to support healthy elderly people. This session focuses to sensing system and integrated system for social welfare. It is important to develop user-oriented system. Especially, the appliance for elderly people requires the integration of many fields such as mechanical, electronic, architectural technologies.
This session welcomes the user-oriented technologies.
Seiichi Serikawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN
E-mail: serikawa@elcs.kyutech.ac.jp
K Murai, Kobe University, Japan
Dr. Nakano, Japan
We welcome you to organize Mini-Workshop / Organized Session / Tutorial Session in the ICIEV!
The aim of a W/OS/TS is to provide a complementary flavor to the regular sessions and should include hot topics of interest to the ICIEV areas/topics that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at the ICIEV.
Proposal Submission:
Prospective organizers of W/OS/TS should submit proposals with the info below:
- Title of the W/OS/TS:
- Objective of the W/OS/TS: Define & explain - how the W/OS/TS will be different/related from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
- Name of the W/OS/TS organizers and short profiles of them.
- Information on possible papers, presenters and apart from papers to be presented, mention whether you will invite any speaker for the W/OS/TS. [Minimum number of papers for an OS: 4 accepted papers at least]
- Mini-Workshop length: Half-day workshop may be allowed.
Email office [AT-MARK] iciev.org with your proposal.
W/OS/TS's evaluation criteria:
- Interest on the topic
- Evaluation on the organizers [& panel of experts reviewers for W/OS]
- Plan of the W/OS/TS
All papers presented in the W/OS will be included in the Conference Proceedings. Therefore, all papers must submit according to the instructions of the ICIEV.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
We are looking forward to have you in the conference!