Registration site is closed.
Only on-spot registration can be possible during the conference as cash transaction.
No credit card or bank transfer.
On-spot Registration Fee (cash-only)
Author (non-student) / Participant
54,000 JPY
STUDENT* Author / Participant
42,000 JPY
Authors MUST pay registration fee by 25 April, 2015 - as Early-bird Reg.
Early-bird Reg. Fee
On-spot Reg. Fee
Author (non-student) / Participant
48,000 JPY
54,000 JPY
STUDENT* Author / Participant
36,000 JPY
42,000 JPY
Extra Page Charge
12,000 JPY/page (max 2 pages)
Extra Paper
20,000 JPY/paper (max 1 additional paper)
Extra Banquet Ticket : 10,000 JPY
Please Kindly Read the Instructions to Avoid Confusion & Must Pay & Must Submit the Online Form & Must Get the Confirmation from Us:
- Each paper MUST have one registration (by the presenting author(s)).
Page limit is 6 pages. If you have over 6 pages (up to total 8 pages), then you have to pay 12,000 JPY per extra page [fee].
- Registration will include conference kit, conference proceedings, CD proceedings, souvenir, admission to all sessions, keynote/invited speeches, and refreshments during sessions.
- Welcome Reception will be held on 15 June, 1730~1900 [if any change in time, we will update] - for all attendees are welcome. Confirm your presence in the form below.
- 1-day Tour will be held on 18 June, 0900~1700 [if any change, we will update]. Only 40 seats are available. You must confirm your presence. First-come, first-served!
- Banquet tickets are limited and restricted. Student Registration will not get Banquet ticket, however, you can buy banquet ticket during registration.
- Extra Banquet Ticket: 10,000 Yen. You should confirm and buy it ahead as seats are limited. Banquet will be held on 16 June.
- STUDENT* means a FULL-TIME student and he/she must show Student ID and an official document of your full-time studentship from your institute,
signed by the head of the dept/faculty. Please email the document for Financial chair [Prof. M. Morimoto:morimoto [AT] eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp].
- For any query on registration, please email us.
- Pay registration fee for each paper: Note that one registration is for one paper only, and the presenting author will do the registration.
Any number of co-authors can join the conference and all need to do their registrations separately.
Please scan the payment slip or related document - and attach to the CMT as Supplementary Material, which you will find in the CMT.
Upload this document if it is applicable to you.
For multi-authors registration case, paste all payment slips one after another and mention the paper ID, name of the registrants, etc.
before each image and make a single file and upload to the CMT as Supplementary Material.
- One Attendee requires one registration.
- If one Attendee has more than one paper, then s/he can pay 20,000 JPYen for 2nd paper in addition to the regular registration fee.
So, 2 papers ==> [Regular Reg. for Paper#1 + 20,000 JPY for Paper#2].
However, if one Attendee has 3/3+ papers, then you have to pay additional regular registration.
E.g., For 3 papers ==> [Regular Reg. for Paper#1 + 20,000 JPY for Paper#2 + Regular Reg. for Paper#3]
then in addition to the above-mentioned registration fee for a paper, s/he must pay 2,000 x 2 = 40,000 JPYen for extra 2 papers & above rate for one paper.
- If author 'X' pays the registration fee, author 'X' should attend. If anything different, you must get proper approval after informing thr Financial Chair [Prof. M. Morimoto: morimoto [AT] eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp] of the conference.
- Registrants are requested to pay in JPY,
for better management for the conference committee. Thank you.
- Authors from Bangladesh can pay to bank in Dhaka. For details on this, email to office [AT] iciev.org
- All others will have to pay to the following bank account in Japan. For any problem regarding transferring, please contact to Prof. M. Morimoto: morimoto [AT] eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp
#Wire-transfer to Japan Post (JP) Bank:
Name of Payee Account Holder: ICIEV JIKKOU IINKAI
Payee Account Number: 14350-83661321
Beneficiary Bank: Japan Post Bank
Payee Address: 2167 Syosya, Himeji-Shi, Hyogo 671-2201, Japan
Payee Telephone Number: 079-267-4992
Beneficiary Bank BIC (SWIFT Code): JPPSJPJ1
Beneficiary Bank CHIPS UID: 427593
Other info:
Currency: USD
Intermediary Bank: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas NY
Intermediary Bank BIC(SWIFT Code): BKTRUS33
Beneficiary Bank Address: 3-2, Kasumigaseki 1-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8798, Japan