Co-Sponsorship of IEEE:
IEEE Fukuoka Section has Co-Sponsored the ICGET!
Instructions for Final Paper Submission:
- Visit for Final Paper Submission. Replace your initial submission [that you have submitted for review process] with Final Manuscript. Please make sure that you consider every comment from the reviewers and improve your paper. The final paper must be according to the FINAL TEMPLATE. Submit the final paper as DOC format only.
- You MUST sign the Visit Copyright Form and submit to the above website as Supplementary File.
- You MUST finish your early-bird registration so that your paper can be considered for the Proceedings [to be printed and online] as well as Presentation during the conference. Visit Registration page for details. Once you finish the registration payment, inform us that you have - [1] Submitted the Final Paper as per the Template and as per the instructions of the Reviewers; [2] Submitted the Singed Copyright form; & [3] Paid the Registration Fee & informed the Secretary about this.
- If you need Invitation Letter for applying for Visa - then please inform us ahead as it may take time to get visa. For travel [from Bangladesh], China Eastern Airlines seems to be the cheapest at this moment from Dhaka to China to Fukuoka international airport. So please book ahead! For details on accommodation and venue, visit Travel Information Page.
Attention: NO to plagiarism!
FAQ regarding submission:
- Paper submission through Microsoft Research's CMT.
- Paper Template: A paper MUST follow the IEEE Paper Template: MSWord / LaTeX (Unix (TAR.GZ)) / LaTeX (Windows (ZIP)).
- Page limit: Manuscript can be within 4~6 pages. However, maximum 2 additional pages will be allowed at an extra charge (US$100 per extra page).
- File size: Files larger than 3 Mb are not prefered. For any uploading problem, please contact us.
- Visit MicrosoftResearch's CMT for paper submission and log-in.
- If you are a new user, then 'Sign Up' - by clicking
'Sign up' button in that site. Follow steps by clicking 'Next' from bottom-right...
- Follow the steps and 'Finish' the sign up!
- Then 'Log-in' for paper submission. Click 'Create a new paper submisison' to submit your paper.
- Follow and fill appropriately and finally 'Browse'. Use only *.PDF/*.DOC format (not *.docx or other formats) your paper to 'Upload' and submit!
- Follow the same procedure to submit more paper with the same user ID.
Paper status will be confirmed after your paper will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers.
We are cordially waiting for your participation!!