Thank you very much for being part of the 2017 IEEE icIVPR at the University of Dhaka!
More than 300 participants attended from Bangladesh, Canada, Finland, India, Japan, Malaysia, and The Netherlands, to enjoy 10 Plenary/Keynote talks,
6 papers in oral session, 31 papers in interactive poster sessions, IEEE activities and netowrking.
15 papers were presented in the student conference (SCIVPR). IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group University of Dhaka had day-long program.
The Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research (CNSER) as the Organizer of the conference thank you all, especially,
IEEE BDS, IAPR, IEEE TCPAMI, IEEE TCMI, IEEE TCVAC, IIAE, University of Dhaka, IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka,
and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group University of Dhaka for being with the 1st icIVPR. We hope to have your more collaboration in future.
For any future icIVPR series, CNSER will update you.
Senate Auditorium, 2nd floor [main hall room], University of Dhaka, BD
- it is behind the Registrar's Office / Vice-Chancellor's Office, University of Dhaka.
Please find pictorial views/directions/maps of Click here to get images for the venue
Welcome to the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh!
Accepted & presented papers will be sent to IEEE Xplore.
IEEE Catalog Numbers for CR#40876:
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Part Number
CFP17H82-ART |
Copyright and Reprint Permission: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond
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The copyright notice at page#1: 978-1-5090-6004-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Anton Nijholt
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Title: Smart Material Interfaces: Playful and Artistic Applications
Sankar K. Pal
Indian Statistical Institute, India
Honored with Padma Shri in Science and Engineering 2013
Title: Granular Video Tracking: Role of r-Granules
Taiga Yamaya,
Team Leader, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Japan
Visiting Professor, Chiba University, Japan
Title: Development of the Next Generation Positron Emission Tomography
Md. Shahadat Hossain Akram
Researcher, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Japan
Title: State of the art brain PET inserts for the existing MRI system
M. Julius Hossain
Research Scientist, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany
Title: An Experimental and Computational Framework to Build a Dynamic Protein Atlas for Human Cell Division
Mohammad Tariqul Islam
Senior Member, IEEE
Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Visiting Professor, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Title: Electromagnetic Performances Analysis of an Ultra-wideband Antenna in Microwave Breast Imaging
Azizi Bin Miskon
Director, Center for Research and Innovation Management
National Defence University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Title: An Engineered Microenvironment for Manipulating Cells in Tissue Regeneration: A Way Towards the Development of Bioartificial Organs Using Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Norliza Mohd Noor
Senior Member, IEEE
Head, Engineering Dept., UTM Razak School
University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
Title: Computer Aided Diagnostics in Medicine: Discrimination for Some Lung Diseases
V.R. Singh
National Physical Laboratory, India
Title: Nano-Cancer Technology: New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices
Hui Yu
Reader in Visual Computing
University of Portsmouth, UK
Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems
Title: Sensing Motion on Wild Data and Virtual Reality Application
Categories of Papers:
- Accept (Oral or Interactive Poster Session [IPS]):
These papers will be presented in the conference, either oral session or IPS. Best Paper Award & Best Presentation Award will be provided. Papers will be sent to IEEE Xplore.
Selected papers will be considered for
International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing (IJCVSP)
- Student Conference on IVPR (SCIVPR): Promising papers may be accepted as 'SCIVPR' to encourage them.
Best Student Paper will be awarded. Papers of SCIVPR will not be sent to IEEE Xplore, and NO copyright will be taken.
Some papers will be selected for Intl Journal of Electronics & Informatics (IJEI).
- 1st round Review results have been submitted.
- Attention:
Before you submit your paper, you are requested to read on dual-submission / plagiarism: CLICK!
Sponsored by
IEEE Bangladesh Section
Endorsed by International Association for Pattern Recognition
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE CS TC on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE SMC TC Medical Informatics
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE SMC TC on Visual Analytics and Communication
Co-sponsored by Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers
Organized by
Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research
The icIVPR provides vibrant opportunities for researchers, industry practitioners and students to share their research experiences,
research results, ideas, review of various aspects and practical development experiences on Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Biomedical Fields, Pattern Recognition, etc.
Through various presentations from peer-reviewed accepted papers, Special Talks and networking - the icIVPR provides the avenue to share knowledge,
make networks, and develop a community for the new researchers - based on the experiences of experts.
The icIVPR will open doors for challenging research areas for future.
Major Topics of Interest (not restricted to):
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Medical Image Processing
- Medical Informatics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Remote Sensing & Geoscience
- Biomedical Systems, Applications in Medicine
- Robotics & Mechatronics
- Automation & Control Systems
- Biometrics
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Vehicular Electrotechnology
- Computer Graphics
- Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Fuzzy systems
- Signal Processing
- Industry Application
- Sensors & Embedded Systems
- Medical Instrumentation
- Multimedia
- Big Data
- Engineering in Biology & Health Science
- Engineering for Unreached People
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
For any query, please write to us.
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