Final Program: (Detailed): Download the Detailed Program.
Final Program: (1 page): Download the 1 page Program.
Workshop 1: Women-in-Engineering (WIE): Women in Tech: What's in your mind? Download.
Kaori Yoshida, PhD
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Lafifa Jamal, PhD
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Yuki Nakagawa
President and CEO, RT Corp., Japan
Sakiko Judge Ito
Associate Solutions Architect, AWS Japan
Workshop 2: Industry Session by AWS: AI Entrepreneurship in Cloud: Behavioral Recognition
Yoshitaka Haribara, PhD
Startup Solutions Architect, AWS Japan
ML Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS Japan
Tatsuya Urabe, PhD
Machine Learning Solutions Architect, AWS Japan
Richard Hartley
Fellow, IEEE
Fellow, Australian Academy of Science
Fellow, Australian Mathematical Society
Australian National University, Australia
Title: Structure and Reflectance Reconstruction through integrating along a vector field
Anton Nijholt
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Title: Social Augmented Reality Interactions
Ljiljana Trajkovic
Fellow, IEEE
2019-2020 IEEE Division X Delegate/Director
Past President, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Past President, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Title: Data Mining and Machine Learning for Analysis of Network Traffic
Papers will be in .
Similar to previous conferences,
indexing in and .
Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (IVPR)!
5th IVPR is Technically Co-sponsored by
and sponsored by .
Similar to the previous 4 IVPR conferences in Bangladesh, Japan, and USA -
the accepted and presented papers will be sent for IEEE Xplore.
- Corona Virus Issue:
If one cannot attend the conference in-person, we provide remote presentation (online presentation will have reduced registration fee).
Remain safe and strong.
- Promising papers can be submitted to WiP sessions - so that authors can share any innovative ideas, work-in-progress reports during the conference.
We engage a panel of good experts in the related fields to evaluate, advise on emerging topics.
Authors can have the great opportunity to listen from a good no. of Keynote and Invited Speakers, make networking and learn from others.
- Paper submission: 2~6 pages, as per the template.
- Mention 'WiP: ' at the beginning of your TITLE.
- These papers will NOT be in IEEE Xplore, but you have to present your paper at the conference.
- As the WiP papers will not be in IEEE Xplore, after the conferences,
some of the good papers can be invited for extended version as a book chapter in an edited book series in Springer.
These will be decided after the recommendations from the experts who will evaluate the WiP presentations! Don't miss this learning process!
- A panel of top experts will judge various best papers under different categories. They will also help the researchers to work better.
The purpose is to allow young researchers to have exposure and learning.
- Certificates for all participants. If any highly-promising WiP papers are found with challenging ideas/themes/scopes, the conf. may offer 'Best WiP Paper Award'.
- Some papers from regular submission may be forwarded to WiP based on quality & originality.
The IVPR provides vibrant opportunities for researchers, industry practitioners and students to share their research experiences, research results, ideas,
review of various aspects and practical development experiences on Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and related topics.
Through various presentations from peer-reviewed accepted papers, special talks, tutorials, and networking - the IVPR provides an avenue to share knowledge,
make networks, and develop a community for the new researchers - based on the experiences of experts.
The IVPR welcomes you to be a part of it - through offering Special Session, Tutorial, Workshop, Special Talk, Panel Discussion, and through submitting your research paper on and related arenas!
- Attention: Before you submit your paper, authors are requested to read on dual-submission / plagiarism: CLICK!
Technical Co-sponsor:
IEEE Fukuoka Section |
Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research |
Major Topics of Interest (not restricted to):
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Medical Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Signal Processing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biometrics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Robotics
- Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Fuzzy Logic
Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
(The venue is a few minutes' walks from the Kokura JR station that covers Shinkansen train.
The Kitakyushu International Airport and Fukuoka International Airport are the nearest airports.
Accommodations can be available from USD25 ~ USD100+. Within walking distances, there are a good number of hotels and restaurants.)
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
For any query, please write to us.
ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture Series:
- ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture#5:
Speaker: James M. (Jim) Conrad, Ph.D., PE, PMP; Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNC Charlotte;
2020 IEEE-USA President
Speech at Youtube: IEEE MOVE Disaster Relief Project, Vehicle, and Technology
- ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture#4:
Speaker: Anton Nijholt,
University of Twente, The Netherlands;
Advisory Board member, 10th Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 5th Intl. Conf. on Imaging, Vision & Pattern (IVPR) 2021
Speech at Youtube: Embodied Humor, Comedy, and Social Robots
- ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture#3:
Speaker: MAS Kamal, SMIEEE;
Gunma University, Japan;
Program Chair, 10th Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2021
Speech at Youtube:
The Future Road Transportation with Connected-Automated Vehicles (ITS)
- ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture#2:
Speaker: Sozo Inoue, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan;
General Chair, 3rd Intl. Conf. on Activity & Behavior Computing (ABC)
Speech at Youtube:
Smartphone-based Human Activity Recognition: Applications to Nursing Bigdata
- ICIEV-IVPR (CNSER) Lecture#1:
Speaker: MAR Ahad; University of Dhaka; Osaka University
Speech at Youtube:
Research topics on Computer Vision, Imaging (Part-1)
Speech at Youtube:
Research topics on Computer Vision, Imaging (Part-2): QA
Indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, and Ei Compendex (Few screenshots: Source: Compendex source list (XLSX, January 2020, 3.4 MB)
2nd IVPR 2018
3rd IVPR 2019
FINAL PROGRAM of the 4th IVPR 2020:
Click for Final Program.
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