Both Online and Onsite options will be available - similar to 4th IVPE, 2020
Short-listed papers were anonymized, then scored (1 to 5) by non-conflicted experts (total 28 voters)!
(Best Paper)
208: Triplet Network with Multi-level Feature Fusion for Object Tracking
(Excellent Paper)
21: Object Detection in 3D Point Clouds via Local Correlation-Aware Point Embedding
(Excellent Paper)
176: Deep Learning Based Surface EMG Hand Gesture Classification for Low-Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand
(Excellent Paper)
18: Multi-Level Feature and Context Pyramid Network for Object Detection
(Women in Engineering Award)
214: Stain-Refinement and Boundary-Enhancement Weight Maps for Multi-organ Nuclei Segmentation
(Work-in-progress Paper Award)
59: Data Driven Analysis of the Behaviour of Elderly People Using k-Means and Home Automation and Power Consumption Sensors
Moreover, total 12 papers' registration fees are sponsored!
Click for Final Program.
How to present, etc. will be emailed shortly.
Welcome to the 4th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (IVPR)!
Similar to the previous 3 IVPR conferences in Bangladesh, Japan, and USA - accepted and presented papers will be archived in IEEE Xplore.
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE TC Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Fukuoka Section,
IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh chapter
are the technical co-sponsors. Accepted and presented papers will be sent to .
- Change of Conference Date: 26 - 29 August, 2020.
Corona Virus Issue:
If one cannot attend the conference in-person, we provide remote presentation. Remain safe and strong.
[Note that in the history of ICIEV, we never allowed any remote/recorded presentations in the past.]
Indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, and Ei Compendex (Few screenshots: Source: Compendex source list (XLSX, January 2020, 3.4 MB)
2nd IVPR 2018
3rd IVPR 2019
Last date for Work-in-Progress (WiP) Paper Submission: 31 March. 2020.
Similar to the last IVPR conferences in BD/JP/USA - accepted & presented papers will be sent to .
Challenge: Winner of the Cooking Activity Recognition Challenge will get
Full TRAVEL GRANT to visit Japan for 1 week to work in a lab!
3 books in .
Oleg Komogortsev, Texas State University, USA
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) 2017, the highest honor bestowed by the US Govt. on science & engineering professionals.
Michihiko Minoh, Kyoto University, Japan
Executive Director, RIKEN
2015 President of the Information and Systems Society,
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Anca L. Ralescu, University of Cincinnati, USA
Mani Srivastava, University of California, LA, USA
Fellow, ACM; Fellow, IEEE
- Promising papers can be submitted to WiP sessions - so that authors can share any innovative ideas, work-in-progress reports during the conference.
We engage a panel of good experts in the related fields to evaluate, advise on emerging topics.
Authors can have the great opportunity to listen from a good no. of Keynote and Invited Speakers, make networking and learn from others.
- Paper submission: 2~6 pages, as per the template.
- Mention 'WiP: ' at the beginning of your TITLE.
- These papers will NOT be in IEEE Xplore, but you have to present your paper at the conference.
- As the WiP papers will not be in IEEE Xplore, after the conferences,
some of the good papers can be invited for extended version as a book chapter in an edited book series in Springer.
These will be decided after the recommendations from the experts who will evaluate the WiP presentations! Don't miss this learning process!
- A panel of top experts will judge various best papers under different categories. They will also help the researchers to work better.
The purpose is to allow young researchers to have exposure and learning.
- Certificates for all participants. If any highly-promising WiP papers are found with challenging ideas/themes/scopes, the conf. may offer 'Best WiP Paper Award'.
- Some papers from regular submission may be forwarded to WiP based on quality & originality.
The IVPR provides vibrant opportunities for researchers, industry practitioners and students to share their research experiences, research results, ideas,
review of various aspects and practical development experiences on Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and related topics.
Through various presentations from peer-reviewed accepted papers, special talks, tutorials, and networking - the IVPR provides an avenue to share knowledge,
make networks, and develop a community for the new researchers - based on the experiences of experts.
The IVPR welcomes you to be a part of it - through offering Special Session, Tutorial, Workshop, Special Talk, Panel Discussion, and through submitting your research paper on and related arenas!
- Attention: Before you submit your paper, authors are requested to read on dual-submission / plagiarism: CLICK!
Technical Co-sponsor:
Technical Co-sponsor:
IEEE Computer Society |
Technical Co-sponsor:
Technical Co-sponsor:
IEEE Fukuoka Section |
Technical Co-sponsor:
IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh chapter |
Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research |
Major Topics of Interest (not restricted to):
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Medical Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Signal Processing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biometrics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Robotics
- Cybernetics
- Computational Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Fuzzy Logic
Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
(The venue is a few minutes' walks from the Kokura JR station that covers Shinkansen train.
The Kitakyushu International Airport and Fukuoka International Airport are the nearest airports.
Accommodations can be available from USD25 ~ USD100+. Within walking distances, there are a good number of hotels and restaurants.)
Don't miss this opportunity to attend this conference!
For any query, please write to us.
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