Welcome to the ICIEV14, 23-24 May, 2014, Dhaka
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation - Govt. Tourism Org.
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Information on Hotels/Inn/Guest-Houses:
Before finalizing a booking, you may inform us so that if possible, we can guide you.
Ruposhi Bangla Hotel (Formerly Dhaka Sheraton Hotel) [*****]
Special Rate for us: reduced-priced accommodation at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, which is the closest to the venue. A route map is shown in this file.
Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka [*****]
107, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8111005
Best Western La Vinci Hotel [****]
54, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9119352
Radisson Water Garden Hotel Dhaka
Airport Rd, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8754555
The Westin Dhaka
Main Gulshan Avenue, Plot-01, Road 45, Gulshan-2, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9891988
Dhaka Club
Ramna, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8619180~4
[Approx. $40 per night; Breakfast, Internet; Booking: Phone]
Sundarban Hotel [***]
Phone: +880-2-9665050
[Approx. $40/50; Breakfast and Internet available with additional charge; Booking: by phone]
Purbani Hotel [***]
1 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9552229
Fax: +880-2-9562314
Hotel Orchard Plaza
71, Nayapaltan, VIP Road, Paltan, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9330829, 9333477; Fax: +880-2-9332369; E-mail: sales@hotelorchardplaza.com
Hotel Sarina Dhaka
Plot-27, Road-17, Banani C/A, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8859604~10
Lake Shore Hotel
Road- 41, House- 46, Gulshan-2, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8859991
Hotel Washington
56 Gulshan Avenue, Road-132 Gulshan-1, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8851467-72
Ambala Inn
Plot-39, Road-2, Dhanmondi Res. Area, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8619373, 8615714, 8610502, 8618901, 9668924
Email: ambala@ambalainn.com, ambala@bangla.net
[Approx. $30 per night; Breakfast, Internet, newspaper, Airport pick and drop (2 days notice); Booking: Online]
Hotel Orchard Plaza
71, Nayapaltan, VIP Road, Paltan, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9330829
Rose Wood Residence
House-6/A. Road-13, Gulshan-1, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9890636-9
Radial Palace
House-111, Road-8, Block-C, Banani, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9881083
Email: rpdhaka@hotmail.com
Hotel Razmoni Ishakha
89/3 VIP Road, Kakrail, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-8322426-9
Bangladesh Institute of Administration & Management (BIAM)
63, New Eskaton, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9336110, 9333014, 9339895
Fax: +880-2-9332865, 9332513
Email: info@biamfoundation.com
[Single room: Tk.1500 + 15% vat; Double room: Tk.2000 + 15% vat; Double room (two-seated): Tk.1800 + 15% vat; Booking should be done 1 month before]
Grand Azad Hotel [***]
Phone: +880-2-9559399
[Approx. $40; Breakfast and Internet are free with rooms. Booking: on-spot, phone]
Ambrosia (Only for foreigners)
House-17, Road-3, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka
Phone: +880-2-9665760, 8631409, 8626237
Email: ambrosia@bdmail.net
[Breakfast, Internet, local phone; Booking: by email]
Hotel Pacific
120 / B Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka
Email: reservation@hotelpacificdhaka.net
Hotel Abakash
83-88 Mahakhali C/A, Dhaka
From overseas, you will have to land at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (formerly known as Zia International Airport), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Few more links that might be helpful:
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
Some Travel Agents:
- Cheap Flight Now: http://www.cheapflightnow.com/
- E-bookers: http://www.ebookers.com/
- Airline Network: http://www.airline-network.co.uk/
- Travel-bag: http://www.travelbag.co.uk/
- Quest Travel: http://www.questtravel.com/
- Qatar Airways: http://www.qatarairways.com/bd/en/homepage.page
- Singapore Airlines: http://www.singaporeair.com/saa/
- Malaysian Airlines: http://www.bookonline-malaysiaairlines.com.my/
- Thai Airways: http://www.thaiairways.com/
- British Airways: http://www.britishairways.com/travel/fx/public/en
- Malindo Air: http://www.malindoair.com/en
- China Eastern Airlines: http://en.ceair.com/
Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Way to the venue:
#Airport to the University of Dhaka [DU]:
#Directions within the University of Dhaka [DU]:
1. TSC area, University of Dhaka [DU]:
2. Towards Mall Chattar area, University of Dhaka [DU]:
3. Mall Chattar area, University of Dhaka [DU]:
4. Towards conference venue, University of Dhaka [DU]:
5. Gate - next to the VC office & conf. venue [next to the Registrar's Building], University of Dhaka [DU]:
6. From gate to the venue, University of Dhaka [DU]:
7. The Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka [DU]: