Keynote Speaker:
- Nazmul Ahsan, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Abdulrahman Alamoud, King Saud University (KSU), KSA
- Nowshad Amin, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
- Hirofumi Hara, MJIIT, University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
- Rezwan Khan, United International University, Bangladesh
- Hiroyuki Miyake, The University of Kitakyushu, Japan
- K Siddique-e Rabbani, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Welcome Message:
The 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Technology (ICGET) welcomes you to submit your research findings and experiences related to green/renewable energy and green technologies. The conference will have
Invited Speakers from academia and industry, Technical Sessions, Exhibitions and Panel Discussion - through which - the ICGET will explore and discuss various issues that are related to the theme of this workshop. The motto of this Workshop to share and discuss cutting-edge issues on green energy and technologies, as well as, to share ideas on how we can move from the experiences of advanced parts of the World towards the developing regions, and work together for a better World.
3rd ICGET15 is Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE PES.
2nd ICGET14 was Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE PES.
1st ICGET was Co-Sponsored by IEEE Fukuoka chapter, Japan.
Inform others and be part of it!
Dhaka, Bangladesh